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La persona del terapeuta: eje fundamental de todo proceso terapéutico

The person of the therapist has been a subject mentioned from early practice of psychotherapy. However the importance and mention of the subject, very few studies have addressed to this matter. It seems that the focus is centered on the patients who consult and / or therapeutic processes. This review wanted to raise the hegemony that the person of the therapist has to perform any psychotherapy. It is knew that the bond between therapist and patient(s) allows a successfully therapy process, then the therapists subjectivity is crucial because it is the therapist who should make the principal efforts to build, to hold and reconstruct it. The therapist can no longer be seen as a neutral, but as someone who inevitably is revealed in each intervention. Then, it is important to know what is spoken when referring to the person of the therapist and which are the essential features that come into play in psychotherapy. For this it is necessary to observe the therapeutic process from the perspective of mutuality, bi-directionality and asymmetry. At the same time, we want to know the concept of self disclosure of the therapist as an essential tool, not only in the construction of the link, but maintaining the same and in the recovery of ruptures of the alliance. The ruptures of the alliance are the greatest fear of the therapist and, also, the best opportunity to advance the therapeutic process. Latter being understood that the energy of the therapist will be permanently placed on repairing the bond, positioning himself as another legitimate, able to understand, contain and help the patient to make the crossing involving this encounter.

Información de la Publicación


Szmulewicz, TitaUniversidad Alberto HurtadoFacultad de PsicologíaPsicología.

Revista Revista Chilena de Neuropsiquiatría
Año 2013
Mes Diciembre
Número 1
Páginas 61-69
URL de la publicación http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=331527733008