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In the field of adoption,international and Latin American scientific production has largely addressed the experiences of adoptive mothers,the adoptive family understood as a unit that includes either both members of the couple,or considering more marginally,to mothers of origin and finally,lesbian mothers,appreciating a strong “feminization” of the study of this topic. Research has not paid more attention to parents of origin and the various configurations in adoptive fatherhood. As a result,it has invisibilized the singularity,specificity and heterogeneity of meanings,practices and experiences about birth fathers and adoptive fathers and are still a number of stereotypes and prejudices that limit a more active inclusion of them in the care tasks. Faced with the lack of knowledge and under the premise that studying men and parents in adoption represents a contribution to advance policies and practices of greater responsibility and gender equality,this paper identifies,classifies and analyzes of the findings of studies on masculinity,paternity and adoption,making special emphasis on some results and topics on this phenomenon,in order to visualize some current challenges and prospects for research and psychosocial intervention.
Irene SalvoUniversidad Alberto HurtadoFacultad de PsicologíaPsicología.
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