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The process of internal migration is analyzed in the Biobío Region; this yields a process of spatial redistribution tending to the polarization of the space towards the regional capital “Concepción Metropolitano” and towards other adjacent municipa-lities. Similarly,it is observed a strong migratory attraction to the provincial capitals of Chillan and Los Angeles,but conï¬ned to their hinterland. Additionally,the proï¬le of the migrant who moves from these cities to the regional capitals is charac terized by a high level of education,while the migrants from neighboring munici-palities to provincial capitals are mainly young people with low schooling levels.
Francisco MaturanaUniversidad Alberto HurtadoFacultad de Ciencias SocialesGeografía.Andrés RojasUniversidad Alberto HurtadoCiencias SocialesGeografía.David PobleteUniversidad Autónoma de Chile
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