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Análisis y tendencias migratorias enla región del Biobío (Chile) entre 1982y 2002. Aplicación desde el modelo gravitacional

The process of internal migration is analyzed in the Biobío Region; this yields a process of spatial redistribution tending to the polarization of the space towards the regional capital “Concepción Metropolitano” and towards other adjacent municipa-lities. Similarly,it is observed a strong migratory attraction to the provincial capitals of Chillan and Los Angeles,but confined to their hinterland. Additionally,the profile of the migrant who moves from these cities to the regional capitals is charac terized by a high level of education,while the migrants from neighboring munici-palities to provincial capitals are mainly young people with low schooling levels.

Información de la Publicación


Francisco MaturanaUniversidad Alberto HurtadoFacultad de Ciencias SocialesGeografía.Andrés RojasUniversidad Alberto HurtadoCiencias SocialesGeografía.David PobleteUniversidad Autónoma de Chile

Revista Economía,Sociedad y Territorio
Año 2016
Lugar México
Número 52
Páginas 727-759
URL de la publicación http://www.redalyc.org/html/111/11146910007/