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Here we present the zooarchaeological analysis of guanaco (Lama guanicoe) remains recovered from the Late Archaic occupation in the MAU085 site,located in the Mauro Valley,in the semi-arid north of Chile. The aim of this study is to understand the spatial organization of this hunter-gatherer site mainly focused on animal processing activities. The results suggest a redundant seasonal (non estival) occupation of the site between 3,200 to 2,500 yr BP,showing a marked spatial organization related principally to guanaco processing,transport and disposal activities together with the elaboration and preparation of lithic appropriation artifacts.
Patricio LópezUniversidad de ChileFacultad de Ciencias SocialesAntropología.Isabel CartajenaUniversidad de ChileCiencias SocialesAntropología.Boris SantanderUniversidad Alberto HurtadoCiencias SocialesAntropología
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