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We are witness to unprecedented opportunities for information discovery thanks to hypertextual linking and Web technologies. Advantages for citizens are numerous,opening opportunities with a single click. We can not only re-find or discover information but it has become the default media for a rich social networking experience,making possible links among information objects and its producers and consumers. It is becoming our main tool to satisfy basic information needs related to health,housing,job seeking,education,research,entertainment,shopping. Equally or even more important are the possibilities of connectedness offered by social media systems and technologies in terms of peer and or emotional support. Unfortunately these technologies can also increase the inequity for those populations who don’t have access to them. Factors that influence “access” include having network connectivity,equipment (computer,cell phones) and different kinds of literacy (informational,technology & digital literacy). Our paper discusses the research problem,related studies,methodology and preliminary findings of an ongoing project to better understand the use of computers,mobile phones,and social network sites for social connectedness and support among the homeless. Our goal is to present information that may be used to orient Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) agendas of researchers,government,non -profit,educators,etc.
Luz QuirogaUniversity of HawaiiInformation and Computer Sciences.Wayne BuenteUniversity of HawaiiSchool of Communications.Leonardo PiñaUniversidad Alberto HurtadoCiencias SocialesAntropología
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