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Trayectorias de victimización escolar: Características y factores de riesgo en adolescentes chilenos

Victimization is a growing concern in the school context. Nevertheless,clarity about the profile of victimized students and potential risk factors is still lacking. This longitudinal study followed over 600 Chilean students for a year within an ecological perspective,and identified several trajectories linked to victimization (stable,new,resilient and nonvictims),defining psychosocial profiles. Risk factors for men and women are identified,by taking into account the opinions of peers and teachers. Conceptual and methodological issues are discussed,along with possible prevention and intervention lines.

Información de la Publicación


Christian BergerUniversidad Alberto HurtadoFacultad de PsicologíaPsicología.

Revista Universitas Psychologica
Año 2012
Mes Primer Trimestre
Número 1
Páginas 103-118
URL de la publicación http://revistas.javeriana.edu.co/index.php/revPsycho/article/view/512