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Recalling as a Holistic Experience: Objects, Emotions and Meanings United

Reavey and Brown (2009), in their article ‘`The Mediating Role of Objects in Recollections of Adult Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse’, make an interesting review of recollections of child abuse episodes in four women. They intend to give an account, in terms of agency, responsibility and integrity, of reports of past traumatic experiences in which particular objects are considered. The mediation of objects in recollection of past memories is discussed as a relevant contribution, positioning objects as semiotic resources for the apprehension of idiosyncratic experiences and personal sense-making. It is stated that objects also allow exchange with an external interlocutor mediating assessment and psychological elaboration being carried out with survivors. Also, as parts of a holistic phenomenon of memory, objects attached to emotion and meaning contribute to the robust aspect of the way in which past experiences can be apprehended. This last issue helps to orient the discussion of accuracy and validity in traumatic memory. Agency and ambivalence as parts of human experiencing are considered relevant, highlighting two aspects: theoretical and clinical implications.

Información de la Publicación


María Teresa Del RioUniversidad Alberto HurtadoFacultad de PsicologíaPsicología.Elisa MolinaUniversidad del DesarrolloEscuela de Psicología.

Revista Culture & Psichology
Año 2009
Mes Diciembre
Lugar Londres, Inglaterra
Número 4
Páginas 485-495
URL de la publicación http://cap.sagepub.com/content/15/4/485.short