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The results of studies of the nature of science (NOS) as a factor that enhances students understanding of evolution have been inconclusive. Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to test the role of NOS instruction in enhancing students learning about evolution. We used a quasi-experimental design with pre- and post-tests to investigate the impact of teaching evolution with and without NOS in two classes with 15–16-year-old students, who were randomly assigned to these two classes. To measure their understanding of NOS and their acceptance and understanding of evolution, we used three di erent instruments that have been shown to generate reliable and valid inferences in comparable populations. The main results of this study were that, in the class in which the teaching of evolution included NOS instruction, the students understanding of NOS and their acceptance of evolution signi cantly improved. However, irrespective of the use of NOS instruction, both classes increased their understanding of evolution. These results support the claim that NOS instruction may in uence students acceptance of evolution but not their understanding of evolution and natural selection.
Claudia VergaraUniversidad Alberto HurtadoFacultad de Filosofía y HumanidadesFacultad Filosofía y Humanidades.Cofre Mardones, HernanPontificia Universidad Católica de ValparaísoCienciasBiología.Santibañez, DavidUniversidad Catolica Silva HenriquesEducaciónInicial
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