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Manuel Larraín y la conciencia eclesial latinoamericana. Visión y legado de un precursor

Manuel Larrain Errazuriz, bishop of Talca, Chile, between 1938 and 1966, is one of the principal figures of the Latin American Church in the 20th century, and one of the most important forerunners of Vatican Council 11 on this continent, above all for the openness of his attitude while facing the challenges and complexities of the modern world from a position of deep faithfulness to the Gospel. This article seeks to emphasize his contribution, on that horizon, to the conformation of an authentically Latin American ecclesial consciousness. The first part of this article is a presentation of the traditional Chilean Catholicism in which he was brought up and which, later on, would open itself to wider perspectives thanks to different historical influences. The second part refers to four great themes and the circumstances in which Manuel Larrain played an important role as pastor, thus forging that ecclesial consciousness which has remained as his principal legacy. The text concludes with a brief reflection on this legacy and on the challenges that he presents even today to the Church of this continent.

Información de la Publicación


Fernando BerríosUniversidad Alberto HurtadoVicerrectoría de InvestigaciónCentro Universitario Ignaciano.

Revista Teología y Vida
Año 2009
Lugar Santiago, Chile
Número 1
Páginas 13-40
URL de la publicación http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0049-34492009000100004