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This article presents an ethnographic case study of the experiences of Peruvian female migrants at the International Bus Terminal of Arica (Chile). The analysis aims to establish theoretical-methodological linkages that question the structure-agency dichotomy, based on the spatial experiences of locals and migrants. We begin by contextualizing the research and debating some theoretical categories of the urban migration studies. Later we develop an ethnographic description of the Terminals internal spaces and how they “interlock” with the landscape of Arica. Our main conclusion regarding these findings proposes the concept of hyperborder spatiality.
Menara GuizardiUniversidad Alberto HurtadoFacultad de Ciencias SocialesAntropología.Valdebenito, FelipeUniversidad de Tarapacá.Nazal, EstebanUniversidad Alberto HurtadoCiencias SocialesAntropología
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