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This paper discusses two key categories in Ricoeur’s thought,i.e.,poetics and attestation. These categories transform the dualism between the object and the subject in a subtle dialectic. The movement in Ricoeur’s thought from a hermeneutics of the texts to an hermeneutics of the human action makes easier to relate poetics and attestation. In this paper I analyze the contributions of each category (poetics and attestation) in the philosophical and in the religious realm. In the case of poetics,after considering the evolution of the notion,we wonder which are the main contributions of the poetics of language and the theological poetics to the poetics of action. This analysis is guided by the transition from text to action,transition that allows us to affirm that there is neither action without imagination nor action without a call. In the case of attestation our analysis starts from the capable and vulnerable human being and from the key function that attestation plays in the mediation of the three dialectics of Ricoeur’s anthropology,particularly in the relationship between otherness and ipseity. This relationship between the attestation of the self and the injunction of the other is transformed in the religious call and response. When religion faces evil it tries to restore in the human being its capacity to act well. This aid that comes from religion and regenerates the capacity of the human beings cannot be proved nor attested but only hope for. Thus,we see how hope,in this sense,takes the place of attestation.
Eduardo SilvaUniversidad Alberto HurtadoFacultad de Filosofía y HumanidadesFilosofía.
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