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Aparecida: perspectiva teológico-cultural

This article offers a theologico-cultural approach to the Conclusive Document of Aparecida. In effect, the author brings into relief how the cultural is present within this theological and pastoral discourse of the Latin American and Caribbean bishops. The author does not merely deal with systematizing what they said, from the perspective of faith in Jesus Christ, about culture and its challenges in the present, changing society, nor to contrast them with other written discourses in the recent history of the region (Puebla, Santo Domingo). He attempts, rather, to make explicit the shared culture from which these pastors interpret reality, shaping through this culture their own theological and pastoral language. Theology and culture are, thus, inalienably linked.

Información de la Publicación


Fernando VerdugoUniversidad Alberto HurtadoVicerrectoría de InvestigaciónVRI.

Revista Teología y Vida
Año 2008
Lugar Santiago, Chile
Número 4
Páginas 673-684
URL de la publicación http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?pid=s0049-34492008000300006&script=sci_arttext